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Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2009
karin rose sturm, 00:10h
oh glücklich, wer noch hoffen kann, aus all den irrtümern aufzutauchen. faust. gretchen im rosapink rüschen - unterhemd von h&m. x
watching soccer - a matter of seconds. it used to be like ^who's THAT guy^. by now it's ^ah!! ... lucatoni^ ## der wiedererkennungs - effekt of what captured your eyes at first place. x
watching soccer - a matter of seconds. it used to be like ^who's THAT guy^. by now it's ^ah!! ... lucatoni^ ## der wiedererkennungs - effekt of what captured your eyes at first place. x
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karin rose sturm, 09:51h
aortocoronary and others. marginal propensity to save. the MPS- grenzneigung zum sparen.
why are we almostallthetime passers by used to look at life not from that scenic overview but that reduced to concierge window-spot.
of course, we introduced ourselves to daylight saving time but to the energy-saving-lamps as well filtering the life-spectrum to the chromed blues, putting us to extreme spectrum fields.
haven't we all that negotiable collection of sun-glasses, stylised ones, over the counter, spare ones, the skin layouts, the second skins. we are dancing on a latex-volcano changing skinclose in making love for condom-closeness. oh god, I don't even paint with gloves. the structure the feeling the touch of pigment. three x' for ungloved.
why are we almostallthetime passers by used to look at life not from that scenic overview but that reduced to concierge window-spot.
of course, we introduced ourselves to daylight saving time but to the energy-saving-lamps as well filtering the life-spectrum to the chromed blues, putting us to extreme spectrum fields.
haven't we all that negotiable collection of sun-glasses, stylised ones, over the counter, spare ones, the skin layouts, the second skins. we are dancing on a latex-volcano changing skinclose in making love for condom-closeness. oh god, I don't even paint with gloves. the structure the feeling the touch of pigment. three x' for ungloved.
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