Donnerstag, 5. März 2009
karin rose sturm, 10:16h
design. pattern. type (recognition). emotion. a painting MUST have unity. it must be a SINGLE well-organized, understandable thing. cxym.
FRINGE it.x put that ORNAMENTAL border to it.x. the diffraction of light.x. the STRIP of false color.x. back to language. paging through what I listed in my log yrs words still would reflect on the middle-class voyeuristic element. quote. just by looking AT the distress of others you find yourself at the safe side of COMFORT&CONTENTMENT. x. lucky you. hapyhappyzufriedenheits-spiel. let's play along. scene. cut. scene. cut. the SEQUENCE. x.
COSMICAL. a WONDERFULL overkill crime. x. täglich verliert ihr haar aminosäuren. zehnsieben. zweinullnullsieben.
FRINGE it.x put that ORNAMENTAL border to it.x. the diffraction of light.x. the STRIP of false color.x. back to language. paging through what I listed in my log yrs words still would reflect on the middle-class voyeuristic element. quote. just by looking AT the distress of others you find yourself at the safe side of COMFORT&CONTENTMENT. x. lucky you. hapyhappyzufriedenheits-spiel. let's play along. scene. cut. scene. cut. the SEQUENCE. x.
COSMICAL. a WONDERFULL overkill crime. x. täglich verliert ihr haar aminosäuren. zehnsieben. zweinullnullsieben.
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