Donnerstag, 5. März 2009
design. pattern. type (recognition). emotion. a painting MUST have unity. it must be a SINGLE well-organized, understandable thing. cxym.
FRINGE it.x put that ORNAMENTAL border to it.x. the diffraction of light.x. the STRIP of false color.x. back to language. paging through what I listed in my log yrs words still would reflect on the middle-class voyeuristic element. quote. just by looking AT the distress of others you find yourself at the safe side of COMFORT&CONTENTMENT. x. lucky you. hapyhappyzufriedenheits-spiel. let's play along. scene. cut. scene. cut. the SEQUENCE. x.
COSMICAL. a WONDERFULL overkill crime. x. täglich verliert ihr haar aminosäuren. zehnsieben. zweinullnullsieben.

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