Samstag, 14. März 2009
karin rose sturm, 20:08h
little later. he notices an old chair in the garden. that chair. where the shadows fell on the canvas upholstery. stripes of a deep but glowing indigo alternated with stripes of an incandescence so intensely bright. it was hard to believe they could be made of anything but blue fire. copyright. x.
may I. ALLOW me to present you with the baumarkt-link-happyarts&crafts. BEIGE. himmelblau. grasgrün. gelb. rot. häkelxwiexstrick&nähdinger. vorstichkreuzstichziersaum. püppchen. täschchen. schleife. borte. schleife. schnittmusterbögen. so TANTALIZING_ tickytacky seems a desire, and wonderbra the thing you ever wished for.WONG dawanda.x.
may I. ALLOW me to present you with the baumarkt-link-happyarts&crafts. BEIGE. himmelblau. grasgrün. gelb. rot. häkelxwiexstrick&nähdinger. vorstichkreuzstichziersaum. püppchen. täschchen. schleife. borte. schleife. schnittmusterbögen. so TANTALIZING_ tickytacky seems a desire, and wonderbra the thing you ever wished for.WONG dawanda.x.
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